Alex Brewer MP's Maiden Speech
Watch our MP for NE Hampshire's first speech in the House of Commons, on 2 September 2024.
I asked Sir Ed today, while he was out canvassing in Fleet with Alex Brewer MP and local campaigners, ‘how do you go from 56 to15,000? ‘ He told me in clear, concise straightforward terms exactly what it takes. Why 56 to 15,000? Because that was the remarkable journey that Ed Davey took from his wafer thin first term majority to his triumphal second term as an MP.
As a local member of the Lib Dems, I don’t usually pass my day chatting with Sir Ed Davey, but today was a special day. The Lib Dem Party Leader was visiting NE Hampshire to celebrate this constituency achieving something remarkable of its own recently. After many years as a quiet, safe, constituency whose only brush with party leaders was when they whisked through on the M3 heading to some crucial marginal, the voters of NE Hampshire decided they had had enough of being taken for granted and - to the surprise of pollsters and journalists - voted for a fresh start with Alex Brewer as their new Lib Dem MP.
During Ed Davey's visit Alex Brewer took him to a Stepping Stones coffee morning for families of children with Down syndrome in Crookham Village. Ed Davey is an ardent campaigner for better support for carers. His visit to Stepping Stones is a part of his country wide tour to raise awareness of this important issue and received local and national press coverage.
Stepping Stones DS is a local charity covering North Hampshire, Berkshire and Surrey that provides support to young people with Down Syndrome and their families. They provide a wide range of educational, physical and social activities and services for children and young adults, their families and the professionals involved in their care. Until she was elected to parliament in July, Alex Brewer was the CEO of Stepping Stones DS.
And the answer Sir Ed gave me about that exceptional increase in his majority? No secret; just lots of hard work taking time to understand the needs and priorities of his constituents, and championing them in Parliament. All based around the underpinning foundation of a strong team of local party members and volunteers. People who are prepared to make a difference, and get those leaflets delivered.
Alex Brewer certainly has no intention of taking her constituency for granted. She will be building on that special event of the 4th July by working hard for every resident in NE Hampshire throughout this parliamentary term; continuing to develop and strengthen her team to help her to deal with issues for, and advocate on behalf of, all who live in NE Hampshire.
By: Bernard Carter, Lib Dem Volunteer.